Work Samples
Current or past personal and business coaching clients can be contacted on request

Law Firm, Illinois
Question: Was the law firm going to continue its current structure of ownership or move to a different structure?

Non-profit, Florida
Question: Was the non-profit going to continue a business relationship with one of its vendors?

Research Grant Recipient Group, Florida
Question: Was the team going to dissolve and not renew a multi-dollar grant or re-commit to working together as a team for four more years and resign the grant?

Physician Group, Michigan
Question: How was the group going to redefine the structure of their organization and how would they obtain clarity on roles and responsibilities?

Current or past performance consulting clients can be contacted on request

Non-Profit Retreat:
Leadership wanted the retreat to build trust, create teamwork and improve communication between team members. Leadership also wanted the retreat to help team members have improved interactions back on the job. Large group learning sessions, small group discussions, one-to-one interactions along with the MBTI assessment tool were all used to achieve the desired results.

Division Retreat:
A detailed post-retreat report that outlines in a SWAT format was provided. It detailed specific observations of team member as well as team dynamics. In a pre-retreat meeting, the team leader requested personal feedback pertaining to their interactions with their team members. They revealed they had aspirations and wanted to address anything getting in the way of effective communication or supportive behavior.Emotional Intelligence provided a framework for the personal feedback. I observed behavior, notice which dimension of EI that particular behavior fit and noted that behavior. Throughout the day the leaders’ behavior was observed and noted. Post-Session Feedback consultation was provided with the leader. Feedback was organized and structured following a logical sequence and easy to understand. Time was taken to share the various behaviors and their association with the dimensions of Emotional Intelligence, as well as tips and tools for improved performance.

The Emotional Intelligence dimensions addressed:
  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationship Management

Other Retreat Examples
Board Retreat
Leadership Retreat

Training Programs include such subjects as:
Adapting to Change, Behavioral Interviewing, Coaching for Results, Conflict Resolution, Cultural Diversity, Customer Service, Continuous Quality Improvement, Effective Supervision, Emotional Intelligence, Interpersonal Communication, Knowledge Management, Leadership Development, Leading Teams, MBTI Intro, MBTI for Teams, MBTI for Sales, Negotiation Skills, Management Development, Powerful Presentations   (Other program topics available)